
Equipping children to live in the presence of God

How do we strive for this focus?

1.    Our ministry staff prioritise relationship with children, and model safe connection with families, so that children know that they are a valued part of the St Columb’s community.

a.    We contact families regularly through conversation or otherwise to show our engagement with the busy lives of families.

b.    We involve children in age-appropriate ministry roles, enabling them to learn alongside others and contribute to the church community.

c.    We pray for children and their families.

d.    We have a sustained commitment to Safe Ministry and ensure that volunteers are trained not only in Safe Ministry practices, but also in engaging with children and young people effectively.

2.    We utilise an inquiry, question-based approach in kids church so that children are enabled and encouraged to explore their faith, and gain understanding of how they can live in the presence of God.

We celebrate our children! We mark milestones, such as during the schooling journey, birthdays, graduating to youth group etc. God is with us during all these occasions, and it is by his gifts that we have such achievements; this is worth celebrating!

Who do I contact?

For more information on any of our children's programs please contact our office:

Child safe Policies at St Columb’s

Every staff member and volunteer involved in our children and youth ministries must adhere to St. Columb's child safe policy.